I AM DIANE OSBON, Healer, Humanitarian, Medical Intuitive, Reiki Grand Master, Shakti Reiki Master, Bars Facilitator, Holistic Health Coach, and Massage Therapist. I am a continuing education provider for massage therapists.
I have 40 years of experience using natural remedies and my passion is helping others through education about holistic health modalities.
I teach Reiki, Shakti Reiki, and have created my own courses, Migraine Relief and “Freedom from Anxiety, Depression, and Overwhelming Stress,” to assist others in overcoming these issues without drugs by using natural remedies, meditation, and herbs.
My Story
When I was 7 years old, the doctors diagnosed me with migraine headaches. They were so severe it would affect my vision. I was often having stroke-like symptoms and the pain was excruciating. I was usually sick for 24 hours at a time at least 2 times a month. I was afraid to make plans because I didn’t know if I would end up with a migraine.
As a child, I prayed, “God please remove these migraines from me. Let me know what causes them and I will tell everyone.”
After years of searching and learning holistic techniques...
…I was finally able to get rid of the migraines. I am currently writing a book, called Migraine Relief, to share my knowledge about how I overcame them!
In my life I have observed anxiety and depression in my own family, clients, and experienced it myself. Over the course of many years, I found holistic techniques to heal these issues without drugs and then after two people that I cared about committed suicide, I felt called to create my course, Freedom from Anxiety, Depression, and Overwhelming Stress.
When I was 9 years old, I was sitting in church listening to the minister talk about the Archangels and I realized that I knew what they looked like. Archangel Michael is a brilliant electric blue color and Archangel Raphael is so big and a healing presence. I wondered how I knew them. It was then that I realized I have the gift of being able to communicate with the angels and my own angelic connection. I use this gift for my Intuitive Private Calls.
When I was 19 years old, I asked God what I was supposed to do in my life and I heard that there is a plant for all ailments. For the next 10 years, I studied nutrition, herbology, and aromatherapy.
I committed myself to organic gardening and have been growing and teaching organic gardening ever since.
Initially, I wanted to be a psychologist but I feel that labels keep people stuck and drugs never solve the real issue. I felt there was a holistic way to treat the person. I decided to go into massage therapy as a way to put my hands on people since I knew I had a gift of healing in my hands. It was while I was in massage school that I made my commitment to a chemical-free, drug-free, organic lifestyle.
My core purpose is to educate people on holistic healing modalities. I have spent over 40 years learning all of the holistic modalities I could and incorporating them into my life and practice.
I am certified in the following:
Certified Therapeutic Touch, 1988
Licensed in Massage Therapy in 1990
Reiki 1 and 2, 1995
Reiki Mastery in 1997
Reconnective Healing™ and Reconnection™ 2000
Shakti Reiki for Sexual Trauma, 2001
Reiki Grand Master Initiation, 2003
Myofascial Release for Trauma, 2006
Cranial Sacral Release, 2007
Quantum Energetic Disciplines (Quick Pulse), 2013
Board Certified in Holistic Alternative Psychology, 2018
Certified Bioenergetics Health Coach, 2019
Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, 2019
Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator, 2022
I am also a member of the Dinshah Health Society for Color Therapy and the World Wide Organization for Organic Farming.