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One of the keys to Access Bars® is to stop judging yourself and others.

What is Access Bars®?

Access Bars is a gentle touch hands-on alternative therapy modality. The Bars are 32 points on the head that store the electromagnetic component of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, considerations, and judgements, and any points of view you have had in any lifetime.

When The Bars are lightly touched they effortlessly release anything that’s blocking you from receiving. The Bars release decisions about the areas of your life that you have made right in your mind, and as a result cannot change. The Bars help you begin to dissolve judgment from within. 

How do Access Bars® work?

What if someone could press a button and mute the voice in your head telling you you’re not good enough, you don’t deserve whatever it is you desire, or you can’t accomplish your dreams?

Any limitations you create in your life are connected to your thoughts, emotions, ideas, beliefs, decisions, and points of view that you have about it. When The Bars points are lightly touched, you begin to release what’s locked up, keeping you from believing you can have the life you’ve always desired.

This is not a cognitive process; rather, it’s about what’s in the subconscious. You don’t have to know what is limiting you to release it. You only have to be willing to receive.

How often do we lower our barriers and allow another person to truly gift to us? Learning to receive is key to inviting more of what you’re asking for into your life.

What happens during an Access Bars® Session?

During an Access Bars session, also called “having your Bars run,” I gently touch The Bars points to release the electromagnetic charge of all your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, judgements, and decisions stored in your brain.

This releases thousands of Points of View that may be limiting you in different areas of your life. This may include your body, aging, kindness, gratitude, peace, calm, healing, sexuality, money, joy, sadness, awareness, control, creativity, and even your hopes and dreams.

What if you could have the life you dream of?

Having your Bars run is a deeply relaxing and nurturing process. People often fall asleep. Some people have images come to them, others see colors, or feel sensations such as buzzing, tingling, warmth, or twitches.

Each session will be different every time. Some of the benefits you may experience are mental clarity, calmness, better sleep, and inner peace. It releases stress, anxiety, and frustration. Many have experienced complete freedom from sadness and depression. The best way to find out is to try it for yourself!

Access Bars® can help you to:

  • — Ease Stress
  • — Reduce Anxiety
  • — Relieve Grief
  • — Release Depression
  • — Improve Creativity
  • — Release Trauma
  • — Quiet Your Mind
  • — Judge Yourself Less
  • — Reverse Aging
  • — Improve Body Image
  • — Increase Productivity
  • — Enhance Relationships
  • — Peace & Calm

Access Bars® for Post-Traumatic Stress

Access bars is found to be very effective for releasing trauma. Clients often report that their seemingly endless pattern of re-experiencing their trauma seemed to fade as they begin to experience life differently.

Trifold Sequencing while running Bars has had a profound effect on those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), acquired brain injury (ABI), OCD, ADD, ADHD, and Autism.