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Empath's Guide to Freedom from Anxiety, Depression, and Overwhelm (Online Course)

This 6-week online course is for you if you have anxiety, depression or just feel overwhelmed in your life. I will share with you the tools to reduce stress and natural remedies for anxiety and depression without drugs.

You will take with you:

  • A plan for reducing stress in your life.
  • 5 herbs and vitamins that relieve anxiety and depression
  • A simple daily meditation to calm your mind
  • How to stop a panic attack and prevent one if the first place!
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) to release emotional and physical pain.
  • A meditation to dump the baggage of your past from the subconscious mind.
  • Understanding how to detach and cut the negative cords between you and others
  • 5 tools for positive thinking
  • 5 most important healthy habits to avoid depression
  • What causes overwhelm and how to avoid it!
  • Easy steps to stop procrastinating and get organized.

I look forward to sharing my life work with you!

During this 6-week online course, every week you will receive a new module and PDFs in your email. I recommend downloading all information for continued future use. In respect of the copyright, please do not share this with others.

Tuition is $497


Reiki 1

Using the energy of Reiki in self-healing and to support others is a way to deepen and accelerate one’s process of personal healing. Reiki is not affiliated with any religion or doctrine but rather opens each person to a more direct sense of connection with Spirit.

Each attunement fills the body with as much Reiki energy as the body can hold. Deep spiritual, emotional and physical changes as a result of the attunement have time to be integrated between attunements. During Reiki 1 class there is an emphasis on the treatment positions to be used for self-healing and for giving treatments to others with ample time to practice, as the body adjusts to the increased vibration. As these methods are practiced after the class, the experience and effect of the Reiki energy deepens as well.

Reiki is energy. It is universal life energy. Re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, in Japan, around 1840, this system of healing follows the teachings of Jesus. Reiki is a wonderful way to experience wholeness and healing in the body, mind and spirit. The energy flows from the hands of the practitioner to the one receiving it. During this class one will have the opportunity to learn:

  • Self-Reiki
  • Chair Reiki
  • Animal Reiki
  • Tree and plant Reiki
  • Full treatment Reiki

Class Information:
Tuition is $275.00
1-day class (9am to 5pm)
8 CEUs available for massage therapists


Reiki 2

The Second Degree Initiation involves one much stronger energy attunement. Sacred Symbols are taught for increasing the energy for mental clarity and for doing distant healing treatments. It is recommended that there be sufficient time between the First and Second Degree Initiations for the person to complete the cleansing process (generally twenty-one days) and to achieve balance.

In this class, persons who have completed Reiki 1 training and have used Reiki actively in their lives, renew their commitment to the use of Reiki. They are taught the methods evolved by Dr. Usui for sending Reiki at a distance and for furthering the mental, spiritual, and emotional healing processes of individuals.

Class Information:
Prerequisite is Reiki 1.
Tuition is $275.00
1-day class (9am to 5pm)
8 CEUs available for massage therapists
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Reiki 3

A Reiki Master is someone who has received the Third Degree of Reiki Initiation and who has been painstakingly taught the precise ritual to use in opening the energy channels in others. They have worked with another Master for an extended period of time and have a deep commitment to healing. Many Reiki Masters are dedicated to teaching and sharing through individual treatments.

Class Information:
Prerequisite is Reiki 1 and 2.
This is an individualized training. Contact me if you are interested in completing this Reiki training and we can schedule a time.


Shakti Reiki Training

Shakti Reiki is an independent Reiki system which is used to help release sexual trauma and dysfunction. It is used with Usui Reiki symbols so Reiki Level 2 is a requirement to take this class.

Shakti Reiki pulls abusive energy out of the cells and emotional body, cuts cording and releases trauma in the emotional and spiritual bodies resulting from sexual abuse and dysfunction. It is pro-active and empowers and establishes healthy boundaries, helping you to stand your ground, speak your piece, walk your talk and enjoy your own power. The trauma begins to fade and wholeness is restored.

The best student for this class is a person who is serious about healing their own sexual difficulties and/or to assist clients with issues in this area.
It is encouraged to be undertaken by those who are already working consciously with their own healing through psychotherapy, 12 step programs, bodywork.

Class Information:
Tuition is $275.00
1-day class (9am to 5pm)
8 CEUs available for massage therapists
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Access Consciousness the Bars Class

Access Bars is a gentle treatment using light touch on 32 points on the head, that correspond to different aspects of life. This is where we store our thoughts, ideas, beliefs, decisions, attitudes, emotions, and considerations from this or other lifetimes. The things that we store at these points are our limitations that cause problems in many areas of our lives.

Anyone can learn to do the Bars. All it takes is a willingness to learn and attend a one-day Access Bars class.

Access Bars are used as a potent and pragmatic tool by families, wellness practitioners, schools, businesses, mental health professionals, athletes, and many more. It is practiced in more than 100 countries by over 500,000 people worldwide who have taken the Access Bars 1-day class.

Class Information:
Tuition is $440.00
1-day class (9am to 5pm)
8 CEUs available for massage therapists

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Class Schedule

View our class schedule below, or reach out to me with questions!