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Reiki Healing

A Reiki session is usually one hour in length and is done over clothing in a quiet, peaceful setting. It’s a very relaxing technique to calm emotions and nervous tension. After a session, clients are often deeply relaxed, peaceful, and experience feelings of being unconditionally loved.

Shakti Reiki for Sexual Trauma

Shakti Reiki is an independent Reiki system which is used to help release sexual trauma on the cellular, emotional and spiritual levels, resulting from sexual abuse or dysfunction. It assists one in maintaining health boundaries. The trauma begins to fade and wholeness is restored. A Shakti Reiki session is done over clothing in a very relaxing, calming environment allowing the client to feel safe to receive gentle healing energy.

Shakti Reiki consists of 4 sessions every other day. This can be performed in person or long distance.

Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki can be sent to any person, place, or situation to assist in the highest level of support for the highest good of all. I offer 30 days of Distance Reiki for one situation that you would like to have healing prayers sent to.


“Just for today, do not worry.
Just for today, do not anger.
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to every living thing.”