Finding Relief from Grief with Access Consciousness The Bars

Last January, my closest friend Amy died, and I was experiencing a lot of grief.

We didn’t get to say goodbye and because of Covid they weren’t having a funeral. I have lost 16 loved ones since 1999 and she was the last of my closest friends.

I prayed about what I should do to find relief and I saw an Access Consciousness class that my friend was teaching so I signed up and headed to Lincoln. The tears flowed finally and by the end of the day I felt lighter, calmer, and more at peace.

The cool thing about this technique is that the grief doesn’t come back. What you clear stays GONE.

Thank you God for giving us these wonderful tools to make our lives better. I know mine is!

Several of my clients who have had someone pass away also found the same relief from the loss when I used Access Bars techniques on them.

Sometimes it’s hard to put into words something that is invisible. Yet I think we all understand the words; relief, relaxation, peace, calm, and stillness.

I hope that anyone that is feeling the sadness of grief, the anger, frustration, loneliness, and loss will be able to reach out and experience that peace that is beyond understanding.

I will be teaching another Access Consciousness the Bars class on February 18th, 2023. If you are interested in learning these amazing techniques, click here to register or view my workshop schedule.

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