Organic Gardening Tips for Better Health

I was introduced to organic gardening in 1979 when my mom gave me a copy of Organic Gardening magazine. I have been an organic gardener ever since. I understood the concept, that if you spray the bugs, you spray chemicals on your food as well. It doesn’t get washed off. It goes into the cells of the plants and then we eat it. It damages more than just the bugs that you are trying to kill.

So the concept of organic is so much more than just not spraying chemicals. It’s about building the soil to hold water, minerals, and nutrients so the plants are healthy. When the plant is healthy then bugs don’t want to chew on them. Bugs are here for a purpose and they are the clean-up crew for all dead matter. They prefer weak, dead, and dying plants. They know their jobs. So I learned to quit fighting them and just do my job to create a healthy plant.

Chemicals that are sprayed on plants and then eaten by us are cancer-causing.

When I was a teen, cancer was seldom heard of. Now 14 out of 15 of my loved ones have died of cancer. I would like to live a long life; to be here for my family.

That is one of the reasons that I continue to stay committed to organic growing. Besides, it tastes so much better.

I have had people ask me what it is that I use instead of chemical sprays. I use other bugs! The good bugs. Ladybugs are my best friends and I buy them often. There are different varieties of them. We release them at every organic gardening class that I teach!

Nematodes are another one to put into the soil. These attack a long range of pests like cutworms, beetles, grubs, etc.

Hard bursts of water knock off and kill many bugs such as mealybugs, whitefly, and spider mites. Never underestimate the power of a good hard rain!

I even found an organic solution for grasshoppers, which grow heavy here in my area. Nolo Bait and Semaspore are so effective that they cut down the number of grasshoppers in my area. I also encourage the use of turkeys. They love to eat grasshoppers and they are my free helpers!

Arbico organics is my favorite place to shop for help with bug situations.

I am a member of the World Wide Organization for Organic farms. We love to share our experience and pass on our knowledge to future farmers and growers of organic vegetables. Please contact me if you are interested in joining me at my next organic gardening class.

Blessings from Diane

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