Reiki Worked Wonders For My Migraine Headaches

When I was 7 years old, the doctor diagnosed me with migraine headaches.

I was sick at least twice a month, sometimes more. I prayed that God would let me know what caused them, how to get rid of them and I promised to tell everyone.

I noticed that as I improved my diet especially avoiding wheat, processed meats like bologna (which I had every day in my school lunch) and monosodium glutamate, the migraines subsided a lot.

I also saw a connection with getting too tired, trying to do too much, lifting more than was safe for me, etc. Regular rest and consistent meals were also important to my  health. If my blood sugar dropped the day before I could almost guarantee that I would have a migraine.

When I learned Reiki in 1995, I experienced a great reduction in the number of migraines I was having and I noticed that I could clear anxiety, fear, and anger and my feelings weren’t overwhelming me anymore.

Reiki is energy work, and everything is energy… Stagnant energy causes pain and disease. Disease is dis-ease. Not being at ease about something. It’s resistance, which creates a block in the energy flowing through your body. All disease starts on the spiritual level then manifests on the physical level as illness.

Using the tools in Level 2 Reiki, I could stop a migraine in 20 minutes. My migraines in childhood would last around 24 hours.  I went ahead and rested in honor of the message that my migraines were telling me and that was that I needed to rest. Rarely did I try to push through the day as that isn’t what self-care is about. It’s about putting your health above all else. Take care of your own self first so you can be there to help others.

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