Meditation for a Peaceful Mind!

Meditation is one of my favorite things to do. I start each day with meditation and have done so for over 30 years. Timing is important. What you think about in the first 17 seconds sets the tone for your entire day. Gratitude for being alive and all that you have will create more wonderful things to be thankful for. I rarely have bad days. Some are challenging, but not bad days. Meditation instructors encourage […]

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Organic Gardening Tips for Better Health

I was introduced to organic gardening in 1979 when my mom gave me a copy of Organic Gardening magazine. I have been an organic gardener ever since. I understood the concept, that if you spray the bugs, you spray chemicals on your food as well. It doesn’t get washed off. It goes into the cells of the plants and then we eat it. It damages more than just the bugs that you are trying to […]

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Eating Healthy Year-Round

Now that it’s a new year, many are working on their new year’s resolutions. It is so great to have the desire to make your life and self better. My belief is a little different, in that I believe every day is a new beginning and a new start, so I personally don’t wait until the beginning of a year to make changes. Losing weight is the number one resolution and rightly so. We have […]

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