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Energy Healing


Transform Your Life

Intuitive Energy Healing

for your body, mind, and spirit

I help guide you through a mind-body-spirit transformation by combining my gift as a medical intuitive and spiritual teacher with my extensive knowledge of herbology, nutrition, and holistic alternative psychology.

Healing Sessions

My divine purpose is to bring energy to you to assist your healing process and bring peace and relaxation.

Transformational Program

In this 3-month program, you’ll be empowered with new healing techniques you can use for the rest of your life.


I teach Reiki I, II, III, Shakti Reiki, and Freedom from Anxiety, Depression, and Overwhelming Stress.

Gift Cards, Supplements, Natural Remedies, Oils, & More

You have healing hands! Thank you. Read more
Anxiety is a very difficult feeling to pinpoint. Especially if we don’t have a good description to determine how it affects us. I was unaware I was anxious for many years. Even when I started to understand anxiety, I had no idea how to resolve my problem. Diane helped me to understand and gave me the tools to heal. The knowledge in her classes and her personal advice are worth their weight in gold!! Read more
Holly A.
I was dealing with some heavy depression, and Diane used glyphs and the bars, and I immediately felt a sense of peace, and the depression lifted. The best part is that it hasn’t returned. Read more
Upon first having Diane work with me, she took the extra energy to guide me into feeling my own emotions which was totally unexpected and long-lasting. Within days I was becoming more centered and aware of myself, not going along with whatever emotions were expected but really feeling God within ME and she helped me become aware of how special I am to all those around me and how to give. Thank you, Diane, for using your God-given talents. You are an amazing woman and I feel blessed by God that we met. All my love. Read more
I have been working with Diane for over 20 years now. She has a kind and healing spirit. I’ve tried almost all of her techniques and I can say each one has made a noticeable difference in my life. Read more
Diane has helped me heal in many ways mind, body, and soul. She has essential tools and knowledge that are like none other. Her unique abilities and seemingly endless talents have amazed me at every turn! My spiritual enlightenment would be much more limited without Diane. Her book recommendations, various therapies, and healing techniques have intensely inspired me on my spiritual path to enlightenment. Read more
Thank you, Diane, for helping me recover from the sexual trauma that was haunting me. The transformation that I experienced in the 3 months that I worked with you helped me let it go and I’m so glad I heard about you. Read more
I have had migraines for over half my life! Diane has helped me to eliminate them almost completely! Her knowledge, information, and healing techniques have absolutely turned my life around. Now I have very few bad days. I would not be the same person without her. I owe her my health! Read more
I have been using the NES health program for over a year now and I have to say that it astounds me at some of the things that the scan can pick up on. I had a scan done the day after I had some dental work done and was suffering from sore teeth and gums. The NES scan picked up on my condition. After Diane ran the MiHealth device over my mouth for a few minutes, my pain was gone! I feel that this program in combination with my regular massage therapy has helped me maintain a healthy life now into my 60’s. Read more
I am a senior and was searching for something to help me get healthier. My medical professionals didn’t seem to be helping. The body scan told me more about my health than all the medical tests my doctor did. I have been in the NES program for a year and I feel healthier, have more energy, and sleep so much better. Read more
You have healing hands! Thank you. Read more
Anxiety is a very difficult feeling to pinpoint. Especially if we don’t have a good description to determine how it affects us. I was unaware I was anxious for many years. Even when I started to understand anxiety, I had no idea how to resolve my problem. Diane helped me to understand and gave me the tools to heal. The knowledge in her classes and her personal advice are worth their weight in gold!! Read more
Holly A.
I was dealing with some heavy depression, and Diane used glyphs and the bars, and I immediately felt a sense of peace, and the depression lifted. The best part is that it hasn’t returned. Read more
Upon first having Diane work with me, she took the extra energy to guide me into feeling my own emotions which was totally unexpected and long-lasting. Within days I was becoming more centered and aware of myself, not going along with whatever emotions were expected but really feeling God within ME and she helped me become aware of how special I am to all those around me and how to give. Thank you, Diane, for using your God-given talents. You are an amazing woman and I feel blessed by God that we met. All my love. Read more
I have been working with Diane for over 20 years now. She has a kind and healing spirit. I’ve tried almost all of her techniques and I can say each one has made a noticeable difference in my life. Read more
Diane has helped me heal in many ways mind, body, and soul. She has essential tools and knowledge that are like none other. Her unique abilities and seemingly endless talents have amazed me at every turn! My spiritual enlightenment would be much more limited without Diane. Her book recommendations, various therapies, and healing techniques have intensely inspired me on my spiritual path to enlightenment. Read more
Thank you, Diane, for helping me recover from the sexual trauma that was haunting me. The transformation that I experienced in the 3 months that I worked with you helped me let it go and I’m so glad I heard about you. Read more
I have had migraines for over half my life! Diane has helped me to eliminate them almost completely! Her knowledge, information, and healing techniques have absolutely turned my life around. Now I have very few bad days. I would not be the same person without her. I owe her my health! Read more
I have been using the NES health program for over a year now and I have to say that it astounds me at some of the things that the scan can pick up on. I had a scan done the day after I had some dental work done and was suffering from sore teeth and gums. The NES scan picked up on my condition. After Diane ran the MiHealth device over my mouth for a few minutes, my pain was gone! I feel that this program in combination with my regular massage therapy has helped me maintain a healthy life now into my 60’s. Read more
I am a senior and was searching for something to help me get healthier. My medical professionals didn’t seem to be helping. The body scan told me more about my health than all the medical tests my doctor did. I have been in the NES program for a year and I feel healthier, have more energy, and sleep so much better. Read more

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Favorites On The Blog

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to have pure, positive energy flowing through your body, easing your stress and lifting your spirits? Welcome to the world of Reiki healing! Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a curious newbie, there’s always something magical to discover about this ancient practice. What is Reiki Healing? Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. The word Reiki comes from […] […] Read more…
Seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a type of depression that occurs during specific seasons, typically in the fall and winter months. There are several healthy coping strategies that can help manage seasonal depression. What are some healthy coping strategies to help manage seasonal depression? Light therapy: One of the main causes of seasonal depression is the reduced exposure to natural light during winter months. Light therapy involves using a special […] […] Read more…
Spring is here and I am so excited for the preparation for planting fresh vegetables in the garden, fresh air, more exercise, and of course… sun! Spring is the best time to do a cleanse after the cold and somewhat stagnant time of winter. It is best to start with an herbal cleanse of the colon, skin brushing to release toxins and dead skin, saunas to sweat out toxins, and massage therapy for added circulation […] […] Read more…
There are many approaches you can take to help manage mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Some common approaches include counseling, EMDR, removing stressors from your life, exercise, proper diet, getting enough rest, meditation, yoga, massage therapy, and Access Consciousness the bars technique. But there is one simple remedy that’s been right in front of you all along that you may not have paid attention to: helping your depression and/or anxiety by staying […] […] Read more…
For several years I could smell mold in my home… My home is old, it belonged to my grandma, and it often smelled a little musty. It was fine until I noticed the smell getting stronger but couldn’t find where it was coming from until I decided to replace the old carpet in the living room. I had been praying, God please help me find the mold. I told my contractor to please watch for […] […] Read more…
Last January, my closest friend Amy died, and I was experiencing a lot of grief. We didn’t get to say goodbye and because of Covid they weren’t having a funeral. I have lost 16 loved ones since 1999 and she was the last of my closest friends. I prayed about what I should do to find relief and I saw an Access Consciousness class that my friend was teaching so I signed up and headed […] […] Read more…
Spring is coming soon and I am planning on another organic gardening class at the farm. If you are interested please let me know so I can put you on my notification list. I will know the date as it gets closer depending on the weather.  As for now when you are planning to plant just be sure that the seeds you buy are organic and non-gmo. If the seed catalog doesn’t say non-gmo and […] […] Read more…
All nutrients, vitamins, and minerals work together to build and maintain your health. All are important and the basis of those nutrients should come from our food.  I encourage everyone to increase the amount of vegetables and fruit in their diet. Since many store-bought vegetables and fruit are depleted in vitamins and minerals, supplementation is required.  Here is a list of excellent vitamins and supplements for immune support: Vitamin D — This is extremely important […] […] Read more…
This coronavirus plandemic has caused post-traumatic stress for most people on the planet. For some of us who had PTSD before covid, it has exasperated it. Covid has caused grief in some form for most people on the planet. Humanity as a whole is grieving over the loss of freedom, speech, loved ones, income, hugs, and touch which is a known requirement for healthy living. Judgment of yourself or others is the most hurtful thing […] […] Read more…
In the fall and winter with all the viruses, RSV, colds, and flu, Egypt Aromatherapy Oil is one of the best oils to diffuse right now. This oil combination has germicide, antiviral, antibacterial, and fungicidal properties—great defense from contagious diseases! I named this oil ‘Egypt’ because one of the oils in this combination is exclusively from Egypt. Two of the oils, frankincense and myrrh, were given to Jesus by the wise men for a reason—because […] […] Read more…
The Webster’s definition for anxiety is: 1. Fear or nervousness about what might happen 2. A feeling of wanting to do something very much Wishing we could do something about a situation mixed with self doubt, fear, or uneasiness is a situation ripe for anxiety. Even not knowing what to do about a situation can cause anxiety. In my upcoming class Freedom from Anxiety, Depression and Overwhelming Stress, I will share many tools for assisting […] […] Read more…
When I was 7 years old, the doctor diagnosed me with migraine headaches. I was sick at least twice a month, sometimes more. I prayed that God would let me know what caused them, how to get rid of them and I promised to tell everyone. I noticed that as I improved my diet especially avoiding wheat, processed meats like bologna (which I had every day in my school lunch) and monosodium glutamate, the migraines […] […] Read more…
Meditation is one of my favorite things to do. I start each day with meditation and have done so for over 30 years. Timing is important. What you think about in the first 17 seconds sets the tone for your entire day. Gratitude for being alive and all that you have will create more wonderful things to be thankful for. I rarely have bad days. Some are challenging, but not bad days. Meditation instructors encourage […] […] Read more…
I was introduced to organic gardening in 1979 when my mom gave me a copy of Organic Gardening magazine. I have been an organic gardener ever since. I understood the concept, that if you spray the bugs, you spray chemicals on your food as well. It doesn’t get washed off. It goes into the cells of the plants and then we eat it. It damages more than just the bugs that you are trying to […] […] Read more…
Now that it’s a new year, many are working on their new year’s resolutions. It is so great to have the desire to make your life and self better. My belief is a little different, in that I believe every day is a new beginning and a new start, so I personally don’t wait until the beginning of a year to make changes. Losing weight is the number one resolution and rightly so. We have […] […] Read more…